Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bake-A-Long #7: Whipped Cream Cake

Happy New Year! I normally do not make New Year's resolutions, but I have one which should be easily followed, thanks to the Heavenly Baker's group: make more cakes. No, not your average resolution, and at first it may seem silly, because what good does resolving to make more cakes do? Well, here is my list to support that a resolution of baking more cakes is a practical goal:

1. If you're going to eat dessert (and you must have dessert on occasion),
it might as well be homemade.

2. Baking can be a stress reliever.

3. You always learn something new when baking
(especially when you have the opportunity to read many other's
experiences when making the same recipe).

4. You have the opportunity to share your creations with
friends, family, and coworkers.

This whipped cream cake will not contribute to my resolution because it was not the first cake of 2010, but the last cake of 2009. I made this cake Christmas Eve and brought it to
Christmas dinner to share with family.

To make this cake, you make whipped cream (hence the name), and then add some eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and salt. There is no butter in it, all of the fat come from the heavy cream. It was a breeze to make, as all ingredients were already on hand.

I may have over baked it just a tad, but the flavor and texture were great. We ate it plain, without any adornments. However, I think if I make it again, I will serve it with whipped cream and strawberries. This was a good cake and given the ease at which it was put together, it will be added to the make it again list.

Thank you, Heavenly Cake Bakers, for inspiring me to continue my baking hobby into the New Year!


  1. Happy New Year! I love your resolutions..or is it practical goals? :) Your cake looks great!

  2. Haha - what a unique resolution. Most people want to lose weight, which would mean bake fewer cakes! I think I like your idea better.


  3. Love the golden color of your cake. I agree. If you're going to eat dessert, might as well as eat TASTY desserts, made w/real butter and cream and stuff :o) Everything in moderation, that's my motto!

  4. Fantastic New Years resolution! I am sure you will find lots of "enablers" around you who will support your NY resolution!

  5. What a great NY resolution! I was just thinking about it this morning, and decided that mine should be: make more pastries. My reason for this is because in the past years I've made more cakes than pastries and for this year I thought I should try to do them equally often :).

  6. I love your list to support your resolution! I am on your "bake more cakes" bandwagon.
